Cristina's hold em (April 2024)
Choreografie : Josepha Ligtvoet
Soort dans : 4 muurs lijndans
Niveau : Improver

Tellen : 56
Intro : 24 tellen

All Country
Muziek :
Artiest :
Tempo : 114 BPM

Stepsheet openen als PDF bestand
Tag 40 counts (2de wall )


Greape vine to the right,
Greape vine to the left.

RF 1 step to the right
LF 2 cross behind RF
RF 3 step to the right
LF 4 touch next to the RF ( clap your hands )
LF 5 step to the left
RF 6 cross behind LF
LF 7 step to the left
RF 8 touch next to the LF ( clap your hands )

4X kickball ¼ turn to the left.

RF 1 kick FW
RF & put the feet next to the LF
LF 2 put your feet down
        with an ¼ turn to the left
RF 3 kick FW
RF & put the feet next to the LF
LF 4 put your feet down
        with an ¼ turn to the left
RF 5 kick FW
RF & put the feet next to the LF
LF 6 put your feet down
        with an ¼ turn to the left
RF 7 kick FW
RF & put the feet next to the LF
LF 8 put your feet down
        with an ¼ turn to the left

4X an Step diagonally FW
and use your hip twice.

RF 1 step diagonally FW
RH 2 move your hip
LF 3 step diagonally FW
LH 4 move your hip
RF 5 step diagonally FW
RH 6 move your hip
LF 7 step diagonally FW
LH 8 move your hip

4X an toe strut BW

RF 1 move your toe BW
RF 2 lower your heel, your weight on your RF
LF 3 move your toe BW
LF 4 lower your heel, your weight on your LF
RF 5 move your toe BW
RF 6 lower your heel, your weight on your RF
LF 7 move your toe BW
LF 8 lower your heel, your weight on your LF

Lockstep FW, Scuff, step FW,
Pivot ½ turn to the left,
Step FW, hold (clap your hands )

RF 1 step FW
LF 2 cross behind your RF
RF 3 step FW
LF 4 scuff your heel across the floor
LF 5 step FW

6 pivot ½ turn to the right
LF 7 step FW

8 hold (clap your hands )

Lockstep FW, Scuff, step FW,
Pivot ½ turn to the left,
step FW, hold ( clap your hands )

RF 1 step FW
LF 2 cross behind your RF
RF 3 step FW
LF 4 scuff your heel across the floor
LF 5 step FW

6 pivot ½ turn to the right
LF 7 step FW

8 hold ( clap your hands )

Rocking chair with an sjimmy,
Rocking chair with an sjimmy.

RF 1 step FW and wiggle your shoulders

2 put your weight back on your LF
RF 3 step BW

4 put your weight back on your LF
RF 5 step FW and wiggle your shoulders

6 put your weight back on your LF
RF 7 step BW

8 put your weight back on your LF

Vine to the right, Sailorstep,
Vine to the left, Sailorstep.

RF 1 step to the right
LF 2 cross behind RF
RF 3 sweep behind your LF
LF & step BW
RF 4 put your feet together
LF 5 step to the left
RF 6 cross behind your LF
LF 7 sweep behind your RF
RF 8 put your feet together

In the beginning of 2
de wall (after 40 counts)
you have a tag and an restart.

That is after de 2
de Lockstep.
The tag is: little jump FW

And an little jump BW

After that you do the restart.


All Country
