ToA world without Haggarduch (Sept. 2019)
Choreografie : Jack Koopman
Soort dans : 4 muurs lijndans
Niveau : Improver

Tellen : 64
Intro : 8 tellen

Vertaling : All Country
Muziek : A world without Haggard

Artiest : Vince Gill

Tempo : 145 BPM

Stepsheet openen als PDF bestand


S1: Rock, recover, shuffle fwd. 2x
1 – 2        Rock Rf  fwd,  recover weight onto Lf
3 &4        Step Rf  fwd, step Lf  next to Rf, step Rf fwd.
5 – 6        Rock Lf  fwd,, recover  weight onto Rf.
7& 8        Step Lf  fwd, step  Rf  next to Lf, step step Lf  fwd.

S2: Step fwd, Pivot 1/4 turn L, cross  shuffle. Hinge ½ turn R, cross shuffle. 

1 – 2        Step Rf fwd,  make ¼ turn Left  (9.00)   .
3 &4        Cross  Rf  over Lf,  step Lfto left side,  cross Rf over  Lf
5 -  6        Step LF ¼ turn to R back, step Rf  ¼ turn to right side. ( 3.00 )
7 &8        Cross Lf over Rf,  step Rf  to right side, Cross Lf over Rf   

S3 :  Rock to right side, Recover,  Behind  and Cross  2x
1 -  2        Rock Rf to right side, recover  weight onto Lf
3 &4        Cross Rf  behind  Lf,  step Lf  to  left side,  cross Rf  over  Lf.
5 – 6        Rock  Lf to  left  side,  recover weight  opto  Rf
7 & 8       Cross Lf  behind Rf , step Rf  to right side,  cross Lf  over  Rf.

S4 :  Step fwd,  Pivot ½ turn left, ½ turn shuffle 2x.  Rock fwd,  Recover.

1 – 2        Step Rf  fwd,  make ½  turn left  ( 9.00 ) 
3 &4        Step Rf ¼ turn left,  step Lf next to Rf , step Rf ¼ turn left back.
5& 6        Step Lf  ¼ turn left, step Rf next to Lf,  step Lf ¼ turn left fwd.
7 -  8        Rock Rf fwd,  recover  weight onto Lf

S5 :  Coaster step, step fwd, pivot ¼ turn R,  shuffle fwd, rock fwd, recover, 

1 &2        Step Rf  back,  step Lf next to Rf,  stepRf  fwd.
3 - 4         Step Lf  fwd,  make  ¼ turn right  ( 12.00 )
5 &6        Step Lf  fwd,  step Rf next to Lf,  step Lf  fwd.
7 -  8        Rock Rf  fwd,, recover weight onto Lf .

S6 :  Step r, step beside, chassé ¼ turn, step  fwd, pivot  ¼ turn, mambo step

1 – 2        Step Rf to right, step Lf next to Rf,
3 &4        Step Rf to right, step Lf  next to Rf, step Rf ¼ turn right fwd. ( 3.00 )
5 – 6        Step Lf  fwd,  make  ¼ turn right. ( 6.00 )
7 &8        Rock  Lf  fwd,   Recover on Lf,  step Lf next to Rf.

S7 :  Kickball step 2x,  vine to right

1 &2        Kick Rf  fwd,  step Rf  next to Lf,  step Lf  fwd.
3 &4        Kick Rf  fwd,  step Rf  next to Lf,  step Lf  fwd.,.  
5 – 6        Step Rf  to right, cross Lf  behind Rf.
7 – 8        Step Rf  to right, cross Lf  over Rf.

S8 :   Pivot  ¼ turn left , pivot ½ turn left,  Cross  back  side 2x..

1 – 2        Step Rf  fwd, make  ¼ turn  left., ( 3.00 )
3 -  4        Step Rf  fwd,  make  ½  turn left. ( 9.00 )
5 & 6       Cross  Rf over Lf,  step Lf  back,  step Rf  to right.
7 & 8       Cross  Lf  over Rf,  step Rf  back,. Step Lf  to left. 
Start again

All Country
