Special Lady (a.k.a. Mulher Especial)
Choreographer : Wil Bos (July 2016)
Type of dance : 2 wall linedance
Level : Improver

Counts : 68

Intro: 36 counts

Music : Mulher Especial

Artist : Musical JM

BPM   : 144
Open as


Fwd, Kick, Coaster, Pivot ½ L, Walk x2
1-2RF step forward, LF kick forward
3&4LF step back, RF together, LF step forward
5-8RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left, RF step forward, LF step forward [6]

Out Out, Hold, Ball Cross, Hold, Side, Together, Shuffle Fwd
&1-2RF step side (out), LF step side (out), hold
&3-4RF together, LF cross over, hold
5-6RF step side, LF together
7&8RF step forward, LF step beside, RF step forward [6]

Rock Fwd Recover Together (x2), Pivot ½ R, ¼ R Chassé
1-2&LF rock forward, RF recover, LF together
3-4&RF rock forward, LF recover, RF together
5-6LF step forward, L+R ½ turn right
7&8LF ¼ right step side, RF together, LF step side [3]

Behind, Side, Cross-Point x2, Cross, ¼ R Hitch
1-4RF cross behind, LF step side, RF cross over, LF point side
5-6LF step across, RF point side
7-8RF step across, LF ¼ right hitch [6]

Walk x2, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd Recover, Coaster Cross
1-2LF step forward, RF step forward
3&4LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward *
5-6RF rock forward, LF recover
7&8RF step back, LF together, RF cross over [6]

Side, Touch, Kick Ball Cross, Side-Flick/Slap x2
1-2LF step side, RF touch beside
3&4RF kick forward, RF step beside on ball foot, LF cross over
5-6RF step side, LF flick behind and slap with R hand
7-8LF step side, RF flick behind and slap with L hand [6]

Figure Of Eight
1-4RF step side, LF cross behind, RF ¼ right step forward, LF step forward
5-8L+R ½ turn right, LF ¼ right step side, RF cross behind, LF ¼ left step forward [3]

Rocking Chair, Jazz Box ¼ R
1-4RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover
5-8RF cross over, LF ¼ right step back, RF step side, LF step forward [6] **

Rocking Chair
1-4RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover [6]
Start again

* Dance the 3rd wall up to and including count 36 (count 4 of the 5th section)
  and start again
** Dance the 6th and 7th wall up to and including count 64 (count 8 of the 8th section)
    and start again
