It's in the stars
Choreograaf : Ellie Hendriks (Maart 2013)
Soort dans : 4 muurs linedans
Niveau : Intermediate

Tellen : 32

Intro: 16 tellen, start op zang

Muziek :
Just give me a Reason
Artiest : Pink

Tempo : 97 BPM

Koop muziek: iTunes  
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R Mambo, L Mambo, cross side, Sailor ¼
1&2   Rock R side, Recover on L. Step R next left.
3&4   Rock L side, Recover on R. Sep L next right.( **)--(***)
5 6    Cross R over L. Step L to left side           
7&8   Step R behind L, ¼ turn right step L next  R, step fwd on R. (3.00)

Step pivot ½ . Lock step. Press. Lock step

1 2     Step L fwd,  ½ turn R.
3&4    Step L fwd,  Lock/step R behind L, step L fwd.
5 6     Press R fwd, recover on L.
7&8    Step R back, step L back cross stepping over R, step R back.

Walk about making ¾ turn, Step L, Step R, Rock step L, Run back 2x, Step back, ¼ R.

1&2&  Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on left,  Step R next L. Repeat.
3 4      ¼ Turn L step fwd,  Step R fwd. (12.00)
5&6&   Rock fwd L, Recover on R, Small run steps back L-R (option full turn L)
7 8      Step L back,  ¼ turn right step R to right side.

Touch L, ¾ turn L, ¼ Side shuffle L, Touch R, Kick ball cross.

1 2 3  Touch L next R,  ¼ L step L fwd, ½ left step R back.
4&5    ¼ turn left step L to the left side, R step next L, step L to the left side.
6        Touch R next L.
7&8    Kick R,  Step R next to L, Cross L over R.

 **Restart:  On wall 4 after count 4(9.00)

 ***  TAG: On wall 7 (3.00) & wall 10(9.00). Do the first 4 steps of the dance up to counts 4,
                 then full
turn right in 4x walk R,L,R,L, then restart the dance.

Ending wall  count 1-14 Rock step R(slow) point R behind L, Turn ¾ right, step L next to R.
