Walk Fwd x2, Shuffle Fwd, Step Pivot ½ R, Shuffle ½ R
1-2RF walk forward, LF walk forward 3&4RF step forward, LF step beside, RF step forward
5-6LF step forward, L+R ½ turn right
7&8LF ¼ right and step side, RF step beside, LF ¼ right and step back [12]
Walk Back x2, Coaster Step, Rock Fwd Recover, ¼ L Chassé
1-2RF walk back, LF walk back
3&4RF step back, LF close, RF step forward
5-6LF rock forward, RF recover
7&8LF ¼ left and step side, RF close, LF step side [9]
Jazz Box Cross, Side, Together, Chassé ¼ R
1-4RF cross over, LF step back, RF step side, LF cross over
5-6RF step side, LF together
7&8RF step side, LF close, RF ¼ right and step forward [12]
Rock Fwd Recover, Coaster Step, Toe Switches R & L, Heel Switches R & L
1-2LF rock forward, RF recover
3&4LF step back, RF close, LF step forward
5&6&RF point side, RF together, LF point side, LF together
7&8&RF dig heel forward, RF together, LF dig heel forward, LF together [12]
Step Pivot ½ L, ½ L Back, ¼ L Side, Cross Shuffle, Chassé L
1-2RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left
3-4RF ½ left and step back, LF ¼ left and step side
5&6RF cross over, LF step side, RF cross over
7&8LF step side, RF close, LF step side [9]
Cross Rock Behind Recover, Side, Hold, Vine Right, Point
1-4RF rock behind, LF recover, RF step side, hold
5-8LF cross behind, RF step side, LF cross over, RF point side [9]
Jazz Box Double Clap R&L
1-3&4RF cross over, LF step back, RF step side, clap, clap
5-7&8LF cross over, RF step back, LF step side, clap, clap [9]
Start again
Dance the 4th wall up to and including count 48 (count 8 of the 6th section) and start again
Ending: At the beginning of the 6th wall the music slows downs,
continue dancing in the
original tempo up to and including count 24
(count 8 of the 3rd section) and end with:….
1LF ¼ right and step side [12]