If You Like Dancin'   (December 2017)
Choreographer : Marthijn Houben
Type of dance : 4 wall line dance
Level : 
Counts : 32

Intro: 32 counts

Music :
Wanna Dance
Artist :
Nathan Carter
BPM   : 107
Open as


Slow Half Rumba Box Fwd, Hold (x2)
1-2 RF Step side(1) LF close to RF(2)

3-4 RF Step forward(3) Hold(4)
5-6 LF Step side(5) RF Close to left(6)
7-8 LF Step forward(7) Hold(8)

Rock Fwd Recover, Toe Strut ½ R x2, Rock Back Recover

1-2 RF rock fwd(1) LF recover(2)
3-4 RF Step backward touching right toe to floor(3) RF turn ½ right drop right heel to the floor(4)
5-6 LF step fwd touching left toe to floor(5) LF turn ½ right drop left heel to the floor(6)
7-8 RF rock back(7) LF recover(8)

Toe Strut Fwd x2, Heel Switches

1-2 RF step right toe fwd to the floor(1) RF drop right heel to the floor(2)
3-4 LF step left toe fwd to the floor(3) LF drop left heel to the floor(4)
5-& RF touch right heel fwd(5) RF close(&)
6-& LF touch left heel fwd(6) LF close(&)
7-& RF touch right heel fwd(7) RF close(&)
8-& LF touch left heel fwd(8) LF close(&)

Pivot ¼ L x3, Fwd, Pivot ¼ R x2, Pivot ½ R, Fwd

1-& RF step right fwd(1) R+L turn ¼ left(&)
2-& RF step right fwd(2) R+L turn ¼ left(&)

3-& RF step right fwd(3) R+L turn ¼ left(&)
4-5 RF step right fwd(4) LF step left fwd(5)
&-6 L+R turn ¼ right(&) LF step left fwd(6)
&-7 L+R turn ¼ right’(&) LF step left fwd(7)
&-8 L+R turn ½ right(&) LF step left fwd(8)
Start over
